#16 – Embedding Sustainability into Organisations with Psychologist Tim Cotter

Tim Cotter is an organisational and environmental psychologist who specialises in the psychology of sustainability. Tim started out in the early 1990’s applying psychology to organisations, through psychometric assessments, organisational surveys, and facilitating culture change and values development.
Meanwhile, he had a growing awareness that sustainability was the biggest change project the world needed, and that psychology would need to be a significant contributor. As a result he started a consulting business Awake, where he provides training, research, design, assessment and consulting services to organisations and communities seeking to create a culture of sustainability.
Since its beginnings in 2005, Awake has delivered projects, workshops and consulting services to hundreds of sustainability professionals and dozens of organisations throughout the world.
With a passion for translating psychological research into accessible, practical concepts, Tim speaks and writes prolifically on the topic, with over 1500 sustainability professionals subscribing to his monthly newsletter, Wake-Up Call.
Tim is a pioneer of the field. So lets see how we all wear it differently with Tim Cotter.
Suggested Resources
- Awake.com.au
- Wake-Up Call E-zine – Awake.com.au/newsletter/
- Fostering Sustainable Behaviour – Community-Based Social Marketing – www.cbsm.com
- Tools of Change – www.toolsofchange.com
- Common Cause – www.valuesandframes.org/
Books and Movies (Tim has found inspiring or frightening – or both 🙂
- This Changes Everything – Naomi Klein
- Nudge – Sunstein and Thaler
- The Corporation (movie)
- What a way to go: Life at the end of empire (movie)
Tim's Best Self-Care Tip
- Love what you do
- Learn how to say no
- Learn how to switch off through self-awareness and mindfulness
- “Back yourself. Do what you love. Psychology is really important and everybody loves it. So if you can find a way of bringing it to people and world problems – go for it!”
Leave me a comment or some feedback about this episode in the comments section. I’ll respond to everyone!
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