#26 – Educational and Developmental Psychologist Dr Chelsea Eacott

Dr Chelsea Eacott is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist with over ten years experience working as a psychologist within the education system and private sector organisations in Victoria and Queensland.
Chelsea is currently the Director of Student Services at Eltham College, Victoria, and lectures in the Masters of Educational Psychology program at Melbourne University.
Some of her previous roles include: Director of Student Wellbeing at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School; Psychologist at Autism Queensland Rockhampton Early Intervention Centre; and Junior School Psychologist at Yarra Valley Grammar.
Chelsea has multiple research publications examining the effectiveness of psychological interventions in school settings, and in particular the challenges for youth living in rural areas.
She has extensive experience running group interventions in schools including:
- Whole school approaches to bullying, behaviour management and pastoral care.
- Experience with Kidsmatter, MindMatters, Restorative Practices, and Social Emotional Learning initiatives
- ASIST suicide prevention training
- Training in responding to self harm in schools
- Experience in delivery of; Tuning into Teens, Peer Mediation, Peer Support, MPower Girls, Protective Behaviours, the ‘Best of Coping’ and Social Skills programs.
Whilst very experienced in the field, Chelsea is just starting out her career as an academic, so it will be fabulous to keep in touch with her and see where her research journey ventures!
Recommended Resources from an Educational and Developmental Psychologist
- ReachOut Professionals – A great website full of resources for practitioners working with young people including tip sheets, apps and online programs
- From Harm to Calm – Support resource for young people and parents/professionals on responding to self-harm.
- MPower Girls – Program for girls in late primary school
Chelsea's Best Self-Care Tip
- Delete your emails off your phone – Switch off. Leave work when you leave work!
- Dance
- Invest in great supervision (your opportunity to debrief and feel supported!)
If you have any questions about being an educational and developmental psychologist, leave me or Chelsea a comment or some feedback about this episode. I’ll respond to everyone!
- # 63 – Paediatric Chronic Pain with Dr Nicki Ferencz - November 13, 2020
- # 64 – Chronic Pain with Sports and Exercise Psychologist Damien Stewart - November 11, 2020
- # 62 – Pain Management with Dr Jacqui Stanford - November 8, 2020
I am interested in becoming a school psychologist, and I was wondering if it would be possible to learn a little bit more about what they actually do on a day-to-day basis. What are the downsides? Does it ever get repetitive doing assessment? Do you think it’s more of a office type psychology job?
Hi McKenzie,
Good questions, thanks for posting. If you’re not already a member, you can join the private Facebook group and post your question there, as Chelsea is a member, and she’ll definitely answer you. If not I’m happy to post it for you. You should also listen to the episodes with Tony Trevitt, and Justine Tonner-Joyce, they’re both school psychologists and for memory go into this kind of detail.