#0 – A Brand New Podcast for Early Career Psychologists – We All Wear It Differently

Welcome to We All Wear it Differently, a podcast for early career psychologists. This is a welcome message and some background information about why I've started this podcast and what I'm hoping you'll all get out of it!
My mission is to create and provide a podcast interview series that informs, motivates and inspires early career psychologists (including psychology students) by exposing them to the broad and diverse world of psychology through the eyes of those who have come before them!
Training in psychology is dynamic, challenging, at times fun, and a lot of the time very hard work. In my experience, and that of many of my colleagues, sometimes this hard work – juggling course work, placements, research, and life stuff – can leave us feeling overwhelmed. In addition, our perfectionist tendencies (a psychologist trait we all know and love) can have a paradoxical effect and we sometimes finish our training lacking confidence and questioning our skills.
Staying motivated, passionate and engaged is important for enjoyment as well as success in your early career. I’ve found that talking and listening to experienced psychologists about their career journey really helped me to stay focussed and motivated to complete my training and work towards a career in psychology I’m passionate about. Not only that, our profession is so diverse, so I'm hoping you'll discover lesser known fields and learn about opportunities that await you! This is basically the stuff I wish I'd been listening to when I was training.
So have a listen and thanks so much for joining me on this journey.
Oh yeah – and make sure you subscribe to the podcast on your favourite podcast player to make sure you never miss an episode.
Wear it Differently!
- # 63 – Paediatric Chronic Pain with Dr Nicki Ferencz - November 13, 2020
- # 64 – Chronic Pain with Sports and Exercise Psychologist Damien Stewart - November 11, 2020
- # 62 – Pain Management with Dr Jacqui Stanford - November 8, 2020
“Our perfectionist tendencies (a psychologist trait we all know and love) can have a paradoxical effect and we sometimes finish our training lacking confidence and questioning our skills.”
This (and the story about your CBT lecturer) totally hit home for me! Currently in my 3rd year of my 4+2 internship and feeling overwhelmed a lot of the time. Keen to hear future podcasts – thanks so much for this great resource!
Hi Brian, thanks for the comment (you’re my first on the website!). I remember that feeling well, it’s the exact reason (as you’ve picked up) why I started the podcast. I hope it helps to inspire you and remind you why you’re working sooooo hard!! It’s amazing how an inspiring lecturer or mentor can leave their mark isn’t it? I hope to leave a mark with each episode I publish. Keep wearing it differently, Brian! Amy
As the mother of a recently graduated psychology student (with first class honours), I have found the podcasts very interesting and informative about her future career.
Hi Cathy,
I hadn’t thought about the parents that might find this resource helpful, so thanks for the feedback, and congrats to your daughter for getting first class honours! I hope she has time to listen too 🙂
Hey Amy, great idea, I love the podcast and have shared the link with all my fellow Masters students. If you can you should try to interview Lainie Hart, she’s a clinical neuropsychologist here in Canberra and is totally amazing.
Thanks again for your work, I look forward to the next instalments.
Hi Annemarie, glad you’re enjoying the podcast and thanks for sharing it with others!! I will endeavour to interview Lainie Hart – will be great to speak with a neuropsychologist. Thanks for the suggestion and if you have any more feel free to share! Amy
Wow!! I am so grateful to you Amy for compliant these podcasts and so greatful to the universe (and iTunes ) that I stumbled across them. I am in my first year of interning 4+2 and navigating the process can be soul destroying. You are brilliant, I have listened to the first three and cannot wait to get time for the others. A million thank you’d and I’ll be sharing with everyone I know x
Hi Michelle,
Awesome to hear from you. I’m chuffed you’re finding the episodes valuable, and that WAWID is playing a small role in preventing the destruction of your soul before you get a chance to blossom and build a fruitful career!!!! 🙂
Yes please share the WAWID with others that who may need soul saving. Feel free to make contact anytime.
Take care,
Hi Amy! I’ve just started listening to the WAWID podcasts on my way to and from outreach services, because I’m a newly graduated psychologist/ clinical psychology registrar working out in rural NSW! I’m really enjoying it so far, keeps me occupied when I’m travelling and also helps me feel more connected to other psychologists! I’ve only listened to 3 podcasts so far, looking forward to getting through the rest!! Thank you, Steph
Hi Steph,
Thanks for the comment! Glad the podcast is keeping you company on your long drives 🙂 It’s also fabulous to here it’s helping you feel connected to other psychologists. Feeling connected in early career is so important I think as our work can be isolating and we’re often questioning ourselves. So it can be reassuring to know you’re not alone! Feel free to join the FB group if you haven’t already.
I can’t wait to hear what you think of the other episodes!
Hi Amy,
I’m actually from the eastern province of Canada known as Newfoundland and Labrador. In the podcast community there isn’t a lot of focus on new career psychologists. I spread the word of WAWID every chance I get mainly because I believe we have a duty of care to our fellow psychologists to give them any amazing resource we come across!! This field is continuum of learning allowing us to constantly improve and keep update as we learn more and more about human behaviour. Again thank you for providing this resource.
Dear Amy Felman,
Sorry for the late congratulations on your website!
My name is Mahyar and I’m a post graduate student in psychology at Beheshti (National) University in Tehran, Iran and also, a long time shrink rap radio listener!
It was almost 6 years ago, when I applied as an undergraduate to study psychology at the University of Tehran when I first found out about Dr. Dave’s shrink rap radio and wise counsel series and when, for the first time, I sent an email to Dr. Dave, expressing my gratitude for, in my eyes, his invaluable work, he told me that I was the first Iranian who had yet contacted him and he didn’t knew he had at least one listener there! 🙂
I’m currently working on my dissertation on Prof. Zimbardo’s time perspective theory, but my life’s ambition is to be a psychoanalyst and for that, I’ve recently started my training with the Freudian Group of Tehran, supervised by Dr. Gohar Homayounpour. So I spent most of my days in a library and I listen to interviews on my way back home at the evening, when I get to take a long, one hour walk for the trip. I’m honored to announced that I’ve added a folder with the name of your podcasts to my Mp3 device where I store the files to listen to on my way back and besides your interview with Dr. Dave, I’ve yet listened to episodes No. 30, 31 and the recent episode you did with Moshe Lang.
But again, I’m really happy to say that your podcasts will be on my list from now on and I’m sure I’m going to learn a lot from your guests!
I’d sure let other friends of mine know about your podcasts but still, I have the hope that I’d be the first listener who has approached you from Tehran! 🙂
Wish you all the bests,
I have binge listened to about 20 of your episodes in the past few weeks since stumbling across your podcast Amy Beth. I’m using it as my own self care tip. I working my arse off towards submitting my honours thesis on 12 Oct (not that I’m counting down or anything), but each day I take a break and go for a walk and listen to you and your amazing guests. So thank you all. I’m already starting to feel anxious because I haven’t all that many left to listen to …
Hi Amy,
Just a quick note to say I have thoroughly been enjoying your podcasts. It’s time out from the kids, walking the dog and I’m sure I’ve had strange looks when agreeing aloud to something that’s said. I’m edging closer to fourth year and look forward to seeing where psychology takes me.
Thanks for keeping me inspired!